The BEST thing about it is that it gave me an IRON-CLAD excuse to sleep through the assembly programs. "I'm needed to protect Jehovah's physical assets!"
It's like the Bethelite who peels potatoes rejoicing in his "sacred service!" Yeah, he's a minister, according to Idaho 3:16.
One time while we were up all night, there was a traffic accident on the road that went past the stadium, and having nothing more urgent to attend to at "O-dark-thirty" we went over to see if we could help.
The accident involved a passenger car and an ICE CREAM TRUCK. It was summer, it was HOT (90+ degrees) and this was in Washington DC adjacent to a poor neighborhood. The neighbors had a great deal of interest in "rescuing" the inventory that was on the truck, so one of the smart guys in our team quickly concocted a story about how refrigerant gas had CONTAMINATED all the ice cream.
It worked! The inventory remained un-pilfered!
No one was injured in the accident and we didn't take any of the ice cream.
We sincerely wanted to be helpful, not opportunistic parasites.